Biographies - Craig

Craig Peter

Craig Peter

Craig Peter is 25 years old. He has been producing and performing theatre for 12 years now. After four years at the University of Zimbabwe studying a Bachelor of Arts degree, he left to focus on a career in theatre that developed very quickly.

In November 1994, together with a group of friends, he founded a group named Over the Edge which quickly began to establish a reputation within Zimbabwe. The group performed famous works such as, 'Macbeth', 'The Crucible', 'The Learned Ladies' all of which Craig played at least one role.

But it was their version of the Reduced Shakespeare Company's, 'The Compleat Wrks of Willm Shkspr. Abridged', that really catapulted the group to fame within Zimbabwe. Since then Craig has been involved in the writing and producing of no less than 6 full length original pieces, performed 10 other published works, produced at three successive Edinburgh Fringe Festivals, received the spirit of the Fringe Award in Edinburgh and received a B.A.T. award for best supporting actor. He has also received a Gold Medal Acting Award from LAMDA in England.

The highlight of his career thus far has been the opportunity to perform Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night' at the Neuss Globe Theatre Germany in June 2001. Craig has spent made years in improvised theatre. In October 2000 he travelled with the group to Amsterdam to attend an Improvisation workshop that lead to invitations to perform in Hamburg, Berlin and in New York. As part of the group he recently made a countrywide tour visiting schools and major business centres performing improvised theatre with an American theatre organisation called Amnesia Wars.

On top of all this Craig has also been involved with a Children's theatre organisation in Harare for two years but had to pause for a while due to the tour demands of the group. He recently became involved in H.I.V./A.I.D.S. education.


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